User research and application design  


January - June 2012

Project Overview

Redesign of an Enterprise marketing technology company’s internal application because it had a wealth of functionality but the site’s user experience made it difficult for users to complete their tasks.


I conducted a series of interviews with users to understand how they utilized the current application. The goal was to understand how could the experience be improved, allow users to be more productive by reducing the amount of time spent on the application. During the interviews it was clear that users had created a multitude of work arounds that while second nature added minutes to each task. In addition, this made teaching new employees and new users extremely challenging. I used the information gathered to create sketches and users flows to identify and prioritize requirements with the project team.

    Using the requirements that the team and I agreed upon, I created wireframes and an interactive prototype using Axure. Using the prototype, we conducted usability testing with our users and iterated on the final user experience.  Throughout the process, I continually met with the technical team and other decision makers to discuss user feedback, updated designs and detailed requirements.